Letting Go of the Clutter

The other night I had a disturbing dream about which I cannot stop thinking.
The houses on my block were on fire. One after another. It was like a wild fire situation, but we don’t have those in NJ.
When my next door neighbor’s house went up, the firemen told me I had about one hour to get out whatever I could, because they didn’t know if they could stop the fire.
First, all of the living things were taken out. The cats and dogs, and Sean’s snake. They were put in our cars.
Then I stood in my room and looked around.
What could I not live without? What did I actually need?
I grabbed some photos from when my kids were small, and I grabbed the files with our most important papers.
That took 5 minutes.
What else did I need? I realized that as long as my children and my four-legged babies were safe, I was good. I didn’t need another thing.
There isn’t anything in this house that I cannot live without.
Time to purge. Time to get rid of all of the “stuff” that clutters my life and my mind.
Time to let go.

Author: tigress5cubs

I have been a single mother to 5 wonderful children since 2000. On July 23, 2011 our world was changed forever. While on patrol in Afghanistan, Derek attempted to rescue another soldier and stepped on an ied resulting in several injuries, including amputations of the legs. He battled his life changing injuries for 20 months before climbing to eternal glory on March 18, 2013. We survived a lot, and we are still climbing that mountain. Come climb with us!

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